Yieldnodes is a new and exciting way to invest in the crypto markets The yield they provide has been great. but it’s important for investors like me who have been using this crypto project regularly now to understand their risks so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not YNOSR would work well with your investment strategy! If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, Yieldnodes may be the perfect investment platform for you! Yieldnodes is a cryptocurrency platform that pays out great monthly returns by pooling investor funds and earning master node rewards. This means that
over the months I’ve been invested. The investment has been going well for me, but it’s important to understand the risks, which I explain various times in the content on this page. If you sign up for Yieldnodes using the links on this page I earn a tiny referral fee when you click on the link, but you’ll notice from my review that I’m a real member with my own money at stake and that I’m attempting to offer valuable information.

Key Features
- Monthly returns from master nodes of circa 10% per month
- Total compounded return 1167.09% (since inception in Sept 2019)
- Minimum deposit €500
- Minimum term 6 months
- Returns/Profits are paid monthly in bitcoin and can be withdrawn or auto-compounded
- accept deposits in Bitcoin
Imagine being able to generate a very steady return, with the potential for big profits? This is possible through cryptocurrency “masterminding”. The returns are not generated through day-to-day trading but rather come from staking your coins on an actively running network. In this case, you will get richly compensated if/when those nodes become active again by providing computing power and bandwidth via Proof of Stake
( PoS ) algorithm…
Yieldnodes is a great investment platform that has been paying out monthly returns of circa.10% since its inception in September 2019. Yieldnodes offers its investors the ability to compound their profits, which can result in an even greater return on investment! In addition, Yieldnodes also offers a minimum deposit of €500 is the minimum investment and a minimum term
of six months. Yieldnodes is a great way to generate a passive income and build your wealth over time! If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, Yieldnodes may be the perfect investment platform for you! Sign up today and start earning monthly returns!
What Exactly Is Masternoding?
Within the cryptocurrency space, each coin has a fixed number of total coins that will eventually end up in circulation. These coins aren’t released all at once but slowly released over a period of years. For example, there are a total of 21,000,000 Bitcoins that will eventually end up in circulation, but since its inception in 2009, there are currently still only about 18.4million in circulation right now. The coins have slowly been released over the years and the last few coins might not be released until as far off as 2040.
But the coins that are released are not just given away, they have to be earned.
There are 2 ways that coins can be earned. These are; Proof Of Work (POW), and Proof Of Stake (POS). Let’s explore how both of these work as it’s an important part of how Yieldnodes generate their returns.
Proof of Work
is a process where miners use their computing power to solve complex mathematical problems in order to release new blocks and receive the associated rewards. This usually takes place on mining pools, where miners from around the world work together to try and solve these problems as quickly as possible. As you can imagine, this uses a lot of energy and can be quite competitive.
Proof of Stake
is a process where users lock up a certain number of coins in their wallets and then act as an oracle to verify new blocks. This usually takes place on master nodes, which are special nodes that require more than just staking the coins but also provide additional services to the network. As you can imagine, this is a much more energy-efficient way of verifying new blocks and doesn’t require as much competition.
Masternodes are simply nodes that do more than just stake coins. They provide additional services to the network and usually get paid a higher return for doing so. Yieldnodes pays out a monthly return of %10
Yieldnodes Score is almost perfect in Trustpilot (April 2021)

- Google searches for Stefan, Yieldnodes’ CEO, together with the rest of the team, is approachable on Linkedin.
- They have multiple interviews in YouTube videos, and they are not afraid to show their face.
- Yield nodes score is almost perfect on all of their TrustPilot Reviews.
- Looking all over Google, almost all reviews are positive. Practically no other crypto platform has such a positive, clean search history. Unfortunately, many crypto platforms pop with bad reviews right away.
- Their support line is open to any questions you might have through their customer support.
- The members’ area for registered users is clear, transparent, and full of helpful information.
- They allowed analysts to review the company and perform internal audits twice a year. They provide a report with the audited data to users.
How To Invest
- Open a new account. at Yieldnodes.
- Submit your details for KYC such as email or phone, upload an ID, proof of address, and sign the investment agreement.
- Under the 2FA Settings tab – enable 2FA using Google Authentication. Important for safety.
- Go to your member’s area and deposit Bitcoin for the amount you wish to invest.
- Wait until the transaction settles, and then another seven days until the platform invests your funds. You’ll get emails with confirmations every step of the way.
- Under the Withdrawal tab, define the automatic Compounding rate and how much you’d like to reinvest every month automatically. Then, leverage the compounded effect for increased profits over time.
- Sit back, relax and enjoy the recurring yield per month!
- The initial deposit takes 7 days for them to set the account up, but what about subsequent deposits? Another 7 days every time you deposit before the new funds are yielding?
Yield nodes is a unique platform that allows you to invest in cryptocurrency without having funds on an exchange. All investments come with the option of depositing either Bitcoin or Sapphire, YC’s native currency which can be withdrawn at any time as well! Withdrawals requests will always go through depending on what coin best suits your needs but I typically choose BTC since it offers more flexibility than other coins
If You Don’t Own Bitcoins Then Converting fiat Currencies Is Easily achievable
Through third-party providers like Crypto.com To join Crypto.com using my referral link, https://crypto.com/app/c5ksw8ap64/, you’ll have to download the app and then verify your account with a text message (the verification code is found on your screen). Both of us will get $25 USD if you do so!
Deposited Funds are Locked for 6 Months
Your deposited funds are converted into Masternode coins. As we said before, to create a masternode, one must lock up coins to gain trust with the proof of stake model. The locking period ranges between several months to a year, thus the investment’s long-term nature. In Ethereum, for example, validator nodes must lock Ether for a whole year!
You should note that Yield nodes allow you to withdraw the initial deposits you made only six months after entering the system. These funds are essential to keep operation and platform running, as master noding requires a lockup period. In addition, dissolving the master nodes takes time, so this six months period is currently mandatory.
After a deposit, funds wait for seven days until the master node process is complete and are locked for six months.
Monthly Profits Are Deposited Every month on the 1st
Remember the 10% average return per month you get? On your account balance, you’ll see your profits on the 1st of every month, together with your invested funds.
The Yieldnodes core team will send an email on that day with detailed explanations about the past monthly returns. They will even sometimes provide some monthly update videos.
Next, you’ll have to decide on your compounding profits strategy, which I describe in the next section.
Automatic Compounding profits
Automatic Compounding profits – decide how much to reinvest (lock to 6 months) and how much to have available.
Now that you know all about Yieldnodes and how it works, it’s time to decide on your automatic compounding strategy. This is the process of reinvesting profits so they generate more earnings.
There are two options: compounded or available balance. With the first one, all profits are reinvested in the platform and will generate more earnings. However, this locks the profits for another six months. I choose to compound all my earnings.
The second option is to save the profits as an available balance and withdraw them whenever you want. This way, you can lower the risk to a minimum and return the base fund. Something in between – choose the auto-compound rate, decide how much will go per month for re-investment, and how much you’ll have in your available balance. People who consider Yieldnodes a passive income source may choose to compound most of the profits.

YieldNodes Performance

This corresponds to an annual return of 120%, and for participants who took advantage of the monthly compounding option, a gigantic 213.84%.
This yield was achieved despite the global economic crisis caused by COVID-19.
Minimum deposit: EUR 500.00
Maximum Deposit: EUR 250,000.00
Payout: monthly
The contract can be cancelled at any time after the 6th month
Deposit and interest are paid in Euro, US-Dollar or Bitcoin.
A projected 5-15% pure profit – paid out every month, and with an interesting twist on our side:
Should the yield drop below 5% for 3 consecutive months, your rental payment will be returned along with any accrued profits (if compounded). No-fuss – no quibbling!
Performance Yieldnodes* vs traditional “investments” over the last 28 months
(5,000 Euro example investment)

Yield Nodes is not an investment program but a “pay for service” system that generates profits based on a mathematical algorithm ingrained within each master-noded coin.
Yieldnodes TEAM

YieldNodes Review
Investing in Yieldnodes is a fantastic opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios, specifically in the crypto field. It is a high-yielding investment platform in the cryptocurrency arena that lets you earn recurring passive income from your investments with a fair amount of risk.
This site does not recommend any specific cryptocurrency should be bought, sold, or held, or that any crypto investment should be made. The Crypto market is a high risk, with high-risk and unproven projects. Readers should do their own research before investing in cryptocurrencies. I am not your financial advisor.
Yieldnodes is a new and unproven platform, so please only invest what you can afford to lose. YieldNodes offers a high yield an average return of around 120% per year, which is fantastic for passive income investment. YieldNodes also allows you to compound your profits by reinvesting them back into the platform, which allows you